Friday, April 2, 2010


Here's, yet, another way for the family to connect. Uncle Ivan's vision of using the Internet to keep us in touch can be even more personal with this family blog. Annette has introduced the blog at the Conference Gathering and shared a few of the details. Hopefully, this will be a way that we can share family news, events, happenings and announcements and keep our connections all year long!

Blogspot is extremely user-friendly and the blog can benefit the family in so many ways. Feel free to leave comments below. All comments will be moderated and approved before they are published. Here are a few blog issues to consider:

  • Security: On the right column of the blog is a poll about the security. Please take ten seconds to voice your opinion by voting. If the blog is kept public, anyone can access it by simply typing in the blog address. Only those approved could ever post on the blog, but, anyone could read or make a moderated comment. OR If the family chooses to keep the blog private, only those who are invited, by email invitation and approval, can access the blog. All readers will have to log in before reading.
  • Blog Administrators: Would anyone like to volunteer to help manage the blog? This simply means access to the settings and permissions on the blog. Basically, administrators would add or change email addresses and add authors, as needed. Very simple.
  • Moderation/Authors: One major consideration is posting access. Blogspot allows up to 100 "authors", so this is not a problem at all. However, you must be added as an author by a blog administrator. Once approved, any author may post at anytime. Initially, to simplify things and get the ball rolling, I suggest that we add one representative from each of the original families, as an author, who would have access immediately to begin posting. (Ex: Debbie would represent Lon's family, Sophia would represent Dale's, Mary would represent Mollie's....) Then, we can add "authors", as we go along. Anyone would be welcome to become an author and post. Once a person has been added, they would remain on the authors list. Hopefully, in time, we'll have many family members posting. .
  • Content: It would be a great way for Larry to post thoughts or photos, or Janet to share their BYU-Jerusalem experiences, or to keep us updated on so many other happenings in the family. Feel free to leave a comment with suggestions of what you would like to see included on the blog, such as Missionary photos and updates, Mission calls, Engagements, Marriages, Births, Travels, Achievements... These are a just a few of the possibilities.

Hopefully, we can all work together to make it a success! Thanks!
